Growing a future where nature is accessible to everyone.

Canada's Forest Trust Corporation (CFT) is at the forefront of combating climate change and biodiversity loss in Canada, creating lasting ecological impact and inspiring businesses and organizations to support a prosperous future for generations to come.

What Is a Smart Forest™?

A Smart Forest™ is much more than just a bunch of trees - it’s a blend of nature’s wisdom and technology, influenced by the knowledge of Canada’s Indigenous communities.

We use our digital portal to display data about your Smart Forest™ and its ability to create clean air, purify water, reduce natural disaster risks, and rejuvenate Canada’s essential ecosystems, economy and social well-being.

Our Six-Phased Approach

We are committed to the enduring health of our Smart Forest™ ecosystems, from selecting the perfect location to fostering growth, continuous monitoring, and meticulous maintenance.


Acquire land across Canada and source regionally appriopriate seedlings to restore and enhance local biodiversity.



Perform innovative forest management activities to maintain the forest and maximize its impact.



Assess, plan, and complete site preparation for planting.



Audit and set a Forever Forest Guarantee on every forest.



Strategically plant seedlings to ensure optimal growth and carbon sequestration.



Boost business growth and attract stakeholders by showcasing leadership in climate action.


The Future of Forestry Is Here

Canada's Forest Trust Corporation (CFT) was established by entrepreneur Gary Zed who has a strong commitment to fostering a sustainable, climate-positive future. CFT is dedicated to creating a lasting ecological impact as the leading Canadian solution to climate change and biodiversity loss. Our mission extends beyond addressing current environmental challenges; CFT aims to build a foundation for a healthier planet for future generations and inspire tangible action and hope in the ongoing fight against climate change. Join us on our journey towards a sustainable future.